Sunday, May 11, 2008

Back to Life...back to REality (some kind of a song)


It's been quite the hiatus from this blog, but finally, THE ROCK HAS COME BACK TO I've always wanted to say that and couldn't resist. Well, I've I'm back to running and reading and looking for a new job, so if you come across anything definiately let me know.

So, what have I've done since my last post:

1. Visited SPAIN
2. [Read] A New Earth : Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
3. Running - Back to Running, for the last time, it is now an integral part of my daily activities
4. Made a list of "
5. [Read] The United States of Europe - a definitely must read, it almost feels as if the Europeans met the framers, took and install OUR constitution and are now becoming the NEW WORLD ORDER - Thanks a bunch George Bush, lets hope McCain doesn't win.
6. Enrolled at the Baruch College - Professional Certification Program, just two more classes to go and I'll have a newly minted Project Management Certification (wooHOOO)

OK, I'll stop here and get back to job hunting.

THANK You, come again !

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